Scott has over 10 years experience as a successful PT the culmination of which is Station Mill Health & Fitness. All bookings can be completed at the Front Desk
Candice Kynoch
Personal Trainer
With over 15 years experience as a PT Candice is a knowledgeable, approachable and intuitive coach. All bookings can be done via the front desk
Lewis Robinson
For more information or to book a free consultation please visit Lewis’s website
Helen Duke
Skilled in HIIT, circuit, strength and conditioning training Helen is a great addition to the team at Station Mill. Find out more
Louisa offers an encouraging, engaging and fun approach to training and nutrition. Find her
Joe Hall
Personal Trainer & Fitness Coach
With 5 years of experience Joe is one of our youngest coaches. He has competed in Natural Bodybuilding gaining Silver in UK Teen Class. To find out more visit
Jack Mills
Personal Trainer & Fitness Coach
Jack is a dedicated long distance runner and PT. All bookings can be made at the front desk.