Whether it’s performing a stretch in yoga, balancing on one side in performer pilates or just completing a unilateral exercise in the gym – we can all agree one side always feels different to the other.
Here’s why it’s nothing to be concerned about:
For the most part, the left side of our body tends to feel slightly ‘tighter’, ‘stiffer’ and more ‘restricted’.
The body is biased towards the right hand side and this is perfectly natural! This is due to the liver being biased to the right, an extra lung lobe on the right, diaphragm attached lower on the right, etc.
This means the pelvis will tend to naturally turn towards the right with the left side going more forward.
As we look for ways to put force into the ground (internal rotation) – our bodies will shift our centre of mass forward towards our toes. This obviously sees the left side push forward more and across to the right. Not this symmetrical orientation that we perhaps expect.
This means that areas of the left chain – from a muscle tissue perspective can sometimes feel ‘tighter’, lacking in mobility and movement options.
From a movement standpoint – it makes very little sense to perform symmetrical, bilateral movements all the time.
In fact, to restore as much range of motion, mobility and resilience, we need to teach the body to come back and expand on the left as the right side produces force, in particular – hip extension.
If you’re worrying that movements in life or during exercise feel different – then don’t. Your internal organs are driving the show! Accept and embrace that your left and right will never look symmetrical, or ever feel symmetrical.
Hips and shoulders will appear higher/lower compared to the other side – this is all perfectly natural and never wrong.
Perhaps reconsider how many bi-lateral movements you’re doing compared to unilateral movements.
And importantly, learn how to train so that your left side can yield, relax and expand whilst the right side of the body can produce force into the ground without compensations (internal rotation).
If one side feels super ‘tight’, ‘restricted’ and ‘compressed’, you’re lacking internal rotation and that’s why your body shoves forward towards your toes.
Stretching ‘tight’ tissue really isn’t advised. Work on getting your centre of mass back and you’ll never feel the need to perform static stretches again.
Any questions always feel free to reach out.
LR Coaching
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